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Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays tourism is getting more and more popular. Some people think that it is better go to a trip without a special program. But others claim that travelling with a group is more exiting and safer.

In my opinion, the aim of travel is to have a rest. As for me, the best relax is when I am alone at a beautiful place and I do not have to remember when and where I need to meet my group. When you travel alone, you can plan your days however you want. I do not like depending on others in any case.

On the other hand, all issues are solved by an organizer and you do not need to worry how you are going to spend your time and where.

Your group have a considered plan with interesting events and everything is under control. And if you are with a group, you will not be lost.

Against this, I can say, that you always can use your gadgets to see where you are, or you can ask people. Moreover if you do not like the organizer’s plan, you cannot change it, because you are not the only person in the group, so your trip may be spoiled.

In conclusion, I share the opinion that independent trips are better. Although it can be a bit difficult to travel alone, you will not be disappointed.

Если ты зашел сюда, потому что тебе лень писать свое эссе, то пожалуйста, бери мое, мне не жалко. Вот только пойми, твои эссе нужны не твоему учителю, а тебе. Английский очень важен в наше время, поверь, он тебе очень пригодится. Так что постарайся написать сам, используя мой текст лишь для опоры.


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