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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the ecological problem is very acute. Our flora and fauna are threatened. And people don't care about nature developing economic and industry. But also there are opinion that nature have a large power to combat against human activity.

I don’t support this idea of power of nature.I think that nowadays harmful human interference is so much so nature can't handle it. At first, people learned to take resources.It makes the planet less enriched and healthy.The recovery takes many years but humanity takes more and more. Secondly, industry makes a lot of non-recyclable materials. Nature can not cope with plastic, polypropylene, glass, cellophane by itself and make water and air clean again.

Also there is another opinion.AT first, There are many disasters.

They look upon floods, eruptions, earthquakes as the punishment for acts of people.Secondly, nature have defenders as animals, poisonous plants and bacterias.special climatwhich can destroy all humanity.

So we can say that nature can oppose human interference. But people know how to outwit nature and fight her threats due to science. We can cope with dengerous illnesses and prevent victims of natural disasters.

In the bottom line i want to say that i am totally disagree with the statement. But I'm sure that humanity must take care about our planet as about our home and understand that ecology is more imortant then economic and business.

(224 words)


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