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Governments spend too much money on space exploration (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Space exporation is one of the most expensive directions in scientific development. And people are ready to spend a lot of money to explore the space.

From my point of view, it is very important to do some research in space. I think so because if there were no satellites in space, we could not call people, use the Internet and all the media would be impossible. In addition, people explore space to find out whether life is possible on other planets. It is because our natural resources are limited and they will end soon. That is why it is a great opportunity to bring them from other planets.

Other people say that launching spaceships leads to ozone layer depletion. As a result, dangerous sun rays reach the Earth, causing global warming. What is more, thay suppose poverty, famine and ecological problems are more significant.

They think that it could be better to spend money on solving these problems than on space exporation.

I cannot agree with this opinion. Firstly, the scientists proved that spaceships launched in the space do not influence ozone layer. Secondly, the problems mentioned above can be result of lack of resources on the Earth, and finding them on other planets can help to solve these problems too.

To sum it up, I would like to say that it is neccessary to explore space as it is a demamd of the modern world and a key moment in developing scientific technologies.

Space exporation is one of the most expensive directions in scientific development. And people are ready to spend a lot of money to explore the space.

From my point of view, it is very important to do some research in space. I think so because if there were no satellites in space, we could not call people, use the Internet and all the media would be impossible. In addition, people explore space to find out whether life is possible on other planets. It is because our natural resources are limited and they will end soon. That is why it is a great opportunity to bring them from other planets.

Other people say that launching spaceships leads to ozone layer depletion. As a result, dangerous sun rays reach the Earth, causing global warming. What is more, thay suppose poverty, famine and ecological problems are more significant. They think that it could be better to spend money on solving these problems than on space exporation.

I cannot agree with this opinion. Firstly, the scientists proved that spaceships launched in the space do not influence ozone layer. Secondly, the problems mentioned above can be result of lack of resources on the Earth, and finding them on other planets can help to solve these problems too.

To sum it up, I would like to say that it is neccessary to explore space as it is a demamd of the modern world and a key moment in developing scientific technologies.


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