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Many people would prefer to work from home. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, more and more companies offer employees to work from home. Some of them think that it is a good idea, while others do not agree.

In my opinion, telecommuting is the best choice to work. Firstly, a worker can make up a flexible timetable. They do not depend on their boss when to start work and when to finish. Secondly, the employee has an opportunity to work from any place including cafes, libraries, transport and various other locations. It is also comfortable for those people who live on the outskirts of the city as they can avoid unnecessary movements and extra transportation costs.

Finally, teleworking is a good idea to employers as they spend less money on the office space, on supplies, lighting and utilities.

On the other hand, some think that work from home can have a negative effect on people. They say that telecommuting creates a physical distance between the employee and their colleagues. Thus, they have a risk to lose contact with the real-life communication. Furthermore, it is difficult to separate work time from home responsibilities that can distract you.

Personally, I do not agree with the above idea. In my view, instead of real-life communication a worker can talk to colleagues online or using the video. Besides, the employee can learn to distribute their work schedule and schedule of household duties correctly.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that there are two different points of view on the problem. However, I still strongly believe that teleworking is better than working from office as it provides freedom and independence.


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