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Письма (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Flat №465

67, Lenina street

Moscow, 101000


26 January, 2018

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter. It was so great to hear from you. I`m so sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was very busy.

In your letter you asked me about the most widespread trees in Russia. There are many different kinds of trees and I think the most widespread trees are birches, firs, larches and pints.

In your letter you mentioned Scotland. I think a trip to Scotland is really a great experience for you. What city are you in? How long will you be there? Did you make any friends with Scottish people?

Well it’s time to do my homework now. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,


124 words

Flat №465

67, Lenina street

Moscow, 101000


26 January, 2018

Dear Ann,

Thank you for your letter.

It was so great to hear from you. I`m so sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was very busy.

Wow! Congratulations! This is such great news! I think this prize is a really good experience. In your letter you also wrote about your moving to another neighbourhood. Is it really that good? Do you have any friends who live there? How do you feel about this neighbourhood and a new house? By the way, I`m sure you`ll handle everything just fine.

Well it’s time to do my homework now. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,


116 words

Flat №465

67, Lenina street

Moscow, 101000


26 January, 2018

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your letter. It was so great to hear from you. I`m so sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was very busy.

In your letter you asked me about sport games, which I and my classmates play at school. We play different sport games such as basketball, volleyball and lapta.

Wow! What great news! Congratulate your sister! Entering Oxford University must be so exiting! I wish her good luck. Was it hard for your sister to enter the University? Has she visited the campus yet? For how long will she be studying there? I`m sure you and your family are really thrilled.

Well it’s time to do my homework now. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,


131 words


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