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Why people in communication often turn to shouting is the problem Sergey Lvov is discussing. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Why people in communication often turn to shouting is the problem Sergey Lvov is discussing.

In the text, he talks about a woman who constantly screams at her children. This is her upbringing system. The author notes with concern that there will come a time when these children will grow up and start shouting at their mother. The writer, feeling uncomfortable, says that once he could not restrain himself, he raised his voice to the noisy audience. But when he became more experienced, he realized: one should not shout at such an audience, but on the contrary, speak as quietly as possible: then everyone will listen to you.

The position of the author, Sergei Lvovich Lvov, is clearly visible in the last sentences of the text: "Scream is a mask of professional incompetence, backwardness".

I share the author's position: shouting is not a way out of the situation.

You need to be wiser and look for other ways to solve problems.

On the Internet, at a forum of young teachers, I learned that many beginner teachers resorted to raising their voices at lessons because of their small professional work experience. Constant screaming at lessons, threats prevent the students from learning the material and do not influence the reputation of the teacher in the best way.

I have seen many teachers during my school years. There are those who do not need to shout or threaten the students. They simply enough to dissatisfied eyebrows, frown, count to three or successfully joke, and order in the classroom is restored, we can go further in mastering the material. It is the teacher who does not cry out to the children, they will remember him for many years.

Drawing a conclusion, I want to note that it is necessary to be children and parents and teachers restrained in any situation and in no case to resort to a cry that will not lead to good.I have seen many teachers during my school years. There are those who do not need to shout or threaten the students. They simply enough to dissatisfied eyebrows, frown, count to three or successfully joke, and order in the classroom is restored, we can go further in mastering the material. It is the teacher who does not cry out to the children, they will remember him for many years.

Drawing a conclusion, I want to note that it is necessary to be children and parents and teachers restrained in any situation and in no case to resort to a cry that will not lead to good.


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