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The most famous publicist and scholar D. S. Likhachev touches upon the problem of the moral significance of memory in his text. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The most famous publicist and scholar D. S. Likhachev touches upon the problem of the moral significance of memory in his text.

This question is eternal for mankind. Who only from philosophers, writers, poets did not reflect on it! According to the apt comment of Alexander Pushkin, people who do not remember their past have no future ...

The problem considered by the author is very topical. How often at home and at school do we hear from older people not to be "ides who do not remember their kinship" ...

DS Likhachev, arguing that a piece of paper, a stone, some plants, and, of course, a person possesses a memory.

The author comes to the conclusion that memory for a person has moral significance. DS Likhachev puts an equal sign between the eternal human categories: conscience and memory. The great humanist of our time gives wise advice in his essay, "how to be educated in the moral climate of memory."

I share the author's point of view that memory has immense moral significance.

I remember the story of V.P. Astafiev "Photography, which I do not have, " especially the final lines of it about village photos, in the author's opinion, this peculiar chronicle of our people, its wall history.

To the problem of memory, as a moral category, my contemporaries, authors of almanacs "Inspiration", issued by the Ministry of Education of the Territory, also address. In one of them I find the poem of a schoolgirl from Stavropol, from which I want to finish my work:

Do not forget what happened,

Do not know what will happen again,

All, gliding, floated in the soundlessness, -

And loss, and love.

And do not remember that you do not know,

Do not save what is not ...

DS Likhachev, arguing that a piece of paper, a stone, some plants, and, of course, a person possesses a memory. The author comes to the conclusion that memory for a person has moral significance. DS Likhachev puts an equal sign between the eternal human categories: conscience and memory. The great humanist of our time gives wise advice in his essay, "how to be educated in the moral climate of memory."


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