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Whether each person, possessing a rich inner world, can be extraordinary - this is the question the author of the essay discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Whether each person, possessing a rich inner world, can be extraordinary - this is the question the author of the essay discusses.

This problem is eternal, as not one person pondered over it for centuries. We argue about this and we. So this problem is urgent.

The author used to think that the inner world is a world of culture, art, poetry, which only happens to highly educated people. But it turned out that this is not so. A semi-literate old woman, an urban boy who came to rest in the countryside, opened for N.

Dolina such a depth of tolerance and kindness, human understanding, which you do not often find in the most educated environment. The author came to the conclusion that every person, if desired, can have a rich inner world.

I fully agree with this. After all, all people are different, and with them and their inner world is diverse, the very spiritual wealth that holds many valuable qualities in the person's soul.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe lived in the world for eighty-two years, filled with tireless and diverse activities. The poet, playwright, novelist, Goethe was also a good artist and a very serious natural scientist. The breadth of Goethe's mental horizons was extraordinary. There was no life phenomenon that did not attract his attention.

The life of DS Likhachev, a Russian academician, an artist, publicist, is also an example of the rich inner world of man. First of all, DS Likhachev is a talented person. He was always sincere in relation to his work, so the fruits of his work delight and delight many people.

On the examples of these and other famous people, we must learn to imitate them.The author used to think that the inner world is a world of culture, art, poetry, which only happens to highly educated people. But it turned out that this is not so. A semi-literate old woman, an urban boy who came to rest in the countryside, opened for N. Dolina such a depth of tolerance and kindness, human understanding, which you do not often find in the most educated environment. The author came to the conclusion that every person, if desired, can have a rich inner world.


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