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Why do people need faith in success - that's the question that S. Soloveichik is thinking about. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Why do people need faith in success - that's the question that S. Soloveichik is thinking about.

The author tells us excitedly that each person needs faith in good things. The publicist says: "Tie your arm to the body - it will wither. Deprive a person of the opportunity ... to believe - his soul will dry up, "since without faith a person who does not believe in anything becomes a" beam of logs. " Any work of it will not bring results, the work will become ineffective.

The position of S.

Soloveitchik is quite simple: faith helps a person develop, makes him move on to the intended goal.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author. Each of us strives to change our lives for the better, to achieve success in any activity, and to make our dreams come true, we must believe in what you are doing and that all your efforts will not be in vain. This was repeatedly said by writers and publicists.

A vivid example of the need for true faith can be the resilience of the inhabitants of the besieged Leningrad. A.Chakovsky, the author of the novel "The Blockade", writes that on those hard days when there was not enough food, when death waited at every step, when the enemy threatened to capture the city and completely destroy it, the belief that our troops would break through the blockade ring and all will be saved, helped people survive, work and defend themselves in such difficult conditions!

Let's remember our athletes - Paralympic athletes. What success they have achieved in past games! And all this is due to the irresistible will to win and to believe in our own success. The whole country hoped for them, and they did not disappoint us!

Thus, I can conclude that the belief in the success of your own business gives us strength and helps to achieve the goals. A.Chakovsky, the author of the novel "The Blockade", writes that on those hard days when there was not enough food, when death waited at every step, when the enemy threatened to capture the city and completely destroy it, the belief that our troops would break through the blockade ring and all will be saved.


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