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Sons of gratitude and love of parents - this is the problem that SN Roerich discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Sons of gratitude and love of parents - this is the problem that SN Roerich discusses.

The author reveals it on the example of his relationship with his parents, whom he tried to imitate all his life. Sergei Nikolayevich refers to an old book in which it was said that "... one is happy who, on his way in life, can meet a wise old man". So for him, such an old man became a father, whom he calls "the mentor of life." The author is grateful to his mother, because she taught him to appreciate every page that "reveals life."

The author's position expressing the gratitude of the son is clear and understandable to the readers: the images of the father and mother became a source of inspiration for SN Roerich, a great source of happiness.

I share the author's opinion.

How good that son or daughter, whose beloved parents are both mentors and friends, who will always be there in trouble, and in joy.

A vivid example of the gratitude and love of the son to his father is the relationship to the parent Arkady Kirsanov, the hero of the novel ISTurgenev's "Fathers and Sons." Let the son at the beginning of the novel play a trick on his father, but he loves him, he is grateful to Nikolai Petrovich for everything.

All his life D.I. Mendeleev was grateful to his beloved mother Maria Dmitrievna. It was she who supported and cherished the son's dream of studying at St. Petersburg University. Deadly sick mother, having sold everything that she had, brought him from far Tobolsk to Petersburg. Maria Dmitrievna could not see her son among the students of this prestigious university, but Dmitry Ivanovich not only fulfilled this dream of his mother, but also became a famous scientist.

Thus, I can conclude that we children are obliged to love their parents and be grateful to them for giving all their strength to our upbringing.

A vivid example of the gratitude and love of the son to his father is the relationship to the parent Arkady Kirsanov, the hero of the novel ISTurgenev's "Fathers and Sons." Let the son at the beginning of the novel play a trick on his father, but he loves him, he is grateful to Nikolai Petrovich for everything.


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