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The example of parents in choosing a profession is the problem over which G.Andreyev reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The example of parents in choosing a profession is the problem over which G.Andreyev reflects.

Talking about the conversation of the young man who chose the path of the teacher, with his parents, the author gives us all the concerns of his father and mother about the future profession of his son. As teachers, they are well aware of all the minuses of the case, which they devoted their whole lives, and they want to warn their son against the wrong, in their opinion, career choice. But the young man is adamant. His choice is associated with him with the example of parents who, despite their small salary and hard work, are happy at school.

L.Andreev uses a vivid metaphor, speaking about the choice of a guy who wants to become a "guide", leading "more and more new travelers on the thorny path to new knowledge, to a new, adult life."

The author believes that the teacher parents by their noble example, not wishing that, influenced the choice of this profession by their son or daughter.

I share the opinion of G. Andreev. After all, who, if not a teacher, can give you knowledge and help with advice? Who, if not a parent, by his love of the profession can influence the choice of his son.

Three generations of Yakovlev's teachers work in our school ... All representatives of this pedagogical dynasty are Teachers from God. Once I heard at the evening of honoring teachers, as the oldest of the family, primary school teacher Maria Ivanovna, laughingly told me that she did not want my son to go to study in the pedagogical ... And now both the son and granddaughter are working with her together in the same team, are leading children "on the thorny path" into the country of knowledge.

On the Internet, I got acquainted with the results of the poll of young teachers of Russia on the choice of their profession. One third of the respondents answered the question of who influenced their choice to become a teacher, and was inspired by the example of their parents or close relatives.

Thus, I can conclude that in the choice of children by the noble cause of the upbringing of the younger generation, the example of parents exerts an enormous influence.


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