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Do you need courage in love? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Do you need courage in love? Courage is the ability of a person to overcome fears. It is natural for a person to be afraid, this is natural. But the ability to overcome fears, to leave the comfort zone, to act when not confident is very important. Especially in love. Man, falling in love, initially feels insecure, there are fears. But not daring to act, nothing will turn out in terms of relations. We need decisive actions to be simply noticed. On the question "Do courage in love" Alexander Kuprin tried to answer in the story "Garnet Bracelet". The author introduces us to many heroes. The story begins with a description of the weather first in mid-August, and then in early September. Vera Nikolaevna has a name day and on occasion guests come to her.

As a gift, she discovers a letter and a pomegranate bracelet. Soon Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich will recognize the sender. They are a middle-aged man GS Zheltkov. He confesses that he fell in love with the Faith before her marriage. Why did Yeltsov stay idle? At least he could get to know Vera. I think that the role was played by the financial situation. Yoltkov was a poor man and did not want to spoil the life of the Faith. But before the marriage, Yolkov must act. As we see inaction, nothing good results. Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, I want to draw a conclusion. A person needs to overcome fears and act decisively in relation to the beloved or beloved.

Do you need courage in love? Courage is the ability of a person to overcome fears. It is natural for a person to be afraid, this is natural. But the ability to overcome fears, to leave the comfort zone, to act when not confident is very important. Especially in love. Man, falling in love, initially feels insecure, there are fears. But not daring to act, nothing will turn out in terms of relations. We need decisive actions to be simply noticed. On the question "Do courage in love" Alexander Kuprin tried to answer in the story "Garnet Bracelet". The author introduces us to many heroes. The story begins with a description of the weather first in mid-August, and then in early September. Vera Nikolaevna has a name day and on occasion guests come to her. As a gift, she discovers a letter and a pomegranate bracelet. Soon Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich will recognize the sender. They are a middle-aged man GS Zheltkov. He confesses that he fell in love with the Faith before her marriage. Why did Yeltsov stay idle? At least he could get to know Vera. I think that the role was played by the financial situation. Yoltkov was a poor man and did not want to spoil the life of the Faith. But before the marriage, Yolkov must act. As we see inaction, nothing good results. Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, I want to draw a conclusion. A person needs to overcome fears and act decisively in relation to the beloved or beloved.


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