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Life in a city is better than in a village. What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement? Эссе по английскому (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that life in a city is more comfortable than in a village while others say that it is not true.

In my opinion, city life is a good way to get better education because in big cities there are a lot of good universities, colleges and schools and teachers in these places have higher qualifications. Moreover, those people who live urban area have far more opportunities for entertainment because they can go to different museums, theatres and cinemas. Also, grown up people have their well-paid and more prestigious jobs than in villages.

On the other hand, my opponents say that country life is much healthier as people breathe fresh air and eat natural food.

It takes them less time to go to work. They claim that city life is very dangerous for our health because cars and plants emit huge amount of harmful gases and toxic chemical substances. In cities people lack green areas where they can relax and walk their kids and pets.

I partly agree with the opposing opinion because the rate of illnesses in cities is much higher than it is in the country. However, we should not forget about good medicine facilities city hospitals have. Very professional staff in clinics can cure any illness. There are a lot places to entertain you such as restaurants, spa and fitness clubs, Philharmonic, concert halls, and stadiums.

To sum up, I would say that active people prefer city life because there are good conditions for their lifestyle and a lot of opportunities to get better education and good job. City dwellers have a lot of modern conveniences and gadgets in their homes that make their life more comfortable and interesting.


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