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Learning foreign languages - a waste of time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Learning foreign languages is often referred to as the most rewarding challenge you can undertake in life. Learning another language opens you up to new cultures, new friendships, and new opportunities you might not otherwise have access to. With all of this in mind, how can anyone consider it a waste of time? It is undoubtedly the best way to truly understand the depth of each other’s thoughts and cultures; it breaks down barriers and makes it so that we can feel that we belong to a world which is larger than our country and our language.

Certainly, learning a foreign language is never an easy undertaking, and it requires a lot of effort and dedication. However, the benefits that come from knowing multiple languages are immeasurable. When exploring the cultural and linguistic diversity of another country, you can find a rich understanding of the customs, beliefs, and values of an entire society. Knowing a foreign language also helps you find job opportunities both locally and abroad, allowing you to earn and experience more.

So, when you consider the range of benefits, learning a foreign language is never a waste of time.

In summary, learning a foreign language is an enriching activity that should never be considered a waste of time. It opens up new experiences and opportunities, helps us understand different cultures and customs, and allows us to make lifelong connections that transcend barriers of language and nationality. In fact, learning a foreign language is one of the most meaningful and rewarding things anyone can pursue, and never a waste of time!


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