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Essay - Every man is the architect of his own fortune. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays some people may hold the opinion that they will never reach their dreams. However, some people think that your happiness depends only on your own efforts.

According to my point of view, you always need to remember that everyone has a chance to become happy so you should take pains to achieve it. Firstly, everybody can find a job or a hobby that will make him happy. Secondly, nobody can be happy if there are no reliable friends and good family in life so you should be friendly and kind to make many new friends. Thirdly, any alteration in the environment can change your life and make you happier .

Nevertheless, some people think that they can’t influence their own destiny.

They consider that fate depends on luck and external factors that can’t be changed. They claim that happiness is unattainable.

I disagree with this opinion, only weak-willed and spineless person can say such words. Everybody has a great opportunity to change their life. Only you should set a certain goal and stubbornly go to it. If you do not have any goals and desires, you do not try to influence your destiny, then your life will never change. It will be empty and gray, meaningless. Family and friends are the people who will help achieve the impossible

To sum up, I would like to note that nothing is impossible. Any moment can change you life so never give up and lose your love of life.

Strength of mind, self-confidence and support of your loved ones will help you achieve the impossible, fulfill any dream, become happier.


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