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«Why people in Zethland should study literature» (задание 38) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the importance of studying literature. During our research project on why people in Zethland should study literature, I found a pie chart with statistics that reveal the meaning of studying literature in our life. In this essay, I will examine these numbers and share my thoughts on the subject.

As can be seen from the data provided, we can observe key insights about the preferences of people in Zethland why it is important to study literature. Firstly, 38% of respondents chose "to widen horizons", because the books can help to improve the vocabulary. Secondly, 22% of people answered as importance of studying literature "to escape from daily routine", because different interesting stories can relax and distruct from really life.

Comparing the reasons for opinion respondents about importance of books, we notice some trends.

The answer "to widen horizons" is the most popular between people - over 38%, while "to discuss books with friends" was chosen only 10% of all. This significant difference of 28 percentage points highlights that it is more important to improve the opportunity and skills in culture.

According to the research, we can see that studying literature becomes more popular nowadays. Many people don't understand the importance of books, despite the fact it is develop brain, horizons and others skills. It is necessary to improve explain to people the connection good life from literature.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize the results my project. I think the literature can help to relieve stress and improve your mind, that's why everyone should study literature.

Оценка эксперта:

despite the fact it is develop brain, horizons and others skills. It is necessary to improve explain to people the connection good life from literature. - проверить времена, it is developing/ it develops ?

I would like to summarize the results my project. - of my project

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