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Should junk food be banned from schools? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Should junk food be banned from schools?

Nowadays one of the most debatable questions is whether junk food should be banned from schools because of its long-term health-hazard effects or not. Although some schools authorities come up with their own definition of what junk food is, it’s clear from its content-fats, salt, carbohydrates, it could be harmful for children’s health. There are some people who claim that junk food in schools is very gainful and conventional for students. Others are against it because without it children will have a good chance to develop health-nutritional skills.

A lot of people believe that we should delete junk food from our life. Firstly, it’s a fact that the more student eat this kind of food the worse educational level he has. Eating healthy food leads to better academic results, improving the children’s memory and concentration. Secondly, school-the best place to create lasting life-style changes. School should build habits of healthy lifestyle, demonstrate good patterns to follow, create healthy atmosphere, especially in canteen.

What is more, schools need to practice what they preache.

Children should have some interesting competitions in classes, which are connected with healthy food, they should be given free milk, fruits, vegetables. For example, the chef Jamie Oliver implemented a new approach to preparing pupils’ meals in some schools in UK. It was a high-quality food without a big number of salt.

However, some people are against banning junk food. First of all, JF-the source of money. Vending machines were introduced in schools for getting money, when schools didn’t have it enough. Furthermore, schools should educate on healthy-lifestyle without the press. This ban falls short of truly educating the children about how important physical activity, balanced meals are. They should focus on the importance of their own choice, since the case of childhood obesity. But they should also focus on the importance of choice for a society and how all should take responsibility for their choices in such a society. Last but not least, if we ban junk food children will bring it to schools with them. A ban of something serves only to build interest in the things that has been prohibited. When a ban affects something that is a familiar part of everyday life there is a risk that individuals may try to acquire the banned thing through other means.

To be honest, these arguments don’t sound reasonable when the health issues are involved. Of course, schools can’t change students’ habits under the pressure but they can introduce healthy-food by some competitions, games. It should be interesting for children, thus it will be financially attractive for schools. But if it doesn’t work, school authorities should introduce the law about not taking food to school.

All things considered, although junk food might be one of the most important sources of money in schools and it is very difficult to ban it from children, I strongly believe that it shouldn’t be allowed. Future of children is in our hands. They should have strong health and good habits. We should interest them in the healthy lifestyle, organizing some events, actions or laws.

Should junk food be banned from schools?

Nowadays one of the most debatable questions is whether junk food should be banned from schools because of its long-term health-hazard effects or not. Although some schools authorities come up with their own definition of what junk food is, it’s clear from its content-fats, salt, carbohydrates, it could be harmful for children’s health. There are some people who claim that junk food in schools is very gainful and conventional for students. Others are against it because without it children will have a good chance to develop health-nutritional skills.

A lot of people believe that we should delete junk food from our life. Firstly, it’s a fact that the more student eat this kind of food the worse educational level he has. Eating healthy food leads to better academic results, improving the children’s memory and concentration. Secondly, school-the best place to create lasting life-style changes. School should build habits of healthy lifestyle, demonstrate good patterns to follow, create healthy atmosphere, especially in canteen.

What is more, schools need to practice what they preache. Children should have some interesting competitions in classes, which are connected with healthy food, they should be given free milk, fruits, vegetables. For example, the chef Jamie Oliver implemented a new approach to preparing pupils’ meals in some schools in UK. It was a high-quality food without a big number of salt.

However, some people are against banning junk food. First of all, JF-the source of money. Vending machines were introduced in schools for getting money, when schools didn’t have it enough. Furthermore, schools should educate on healthy-lifestyle without the press. This ban falls short of truly educating the children about how important physical activity, balanced meals are. They should focus on the importance of their own choice, since the case of childhood obesity. But they should also focus on the importance of choice for a society and how all should take responsibility for their choices in such a society. Last but not least, if we ban junk food children will bring it to schools with them. A ban of something serves only to build interest in the things that has been prohibited. When a ban affects something that is a familiar part of everyday life there is a risk that individuals may try to acquire the banned thing through other means.

To be honest, these arguments don’t sound reasonable when the health issues are involved. Of course, schools can’t change students’ habits under the pressure but they can introduce healthy-food by some competitions, games. It should be interesting for children, thus it will be financially attractive for schools. But if it doesn’t work, school authorities should introduce the law about not taking food to school.

All things considered, although junk food might be one of the most important sources of money in schools and it is very difficult to ban it from children, I strongly believe that it shouldn’t be allowed. Future of children is in our hands. They should have strong health and good habits. We should interest them in the healthy lifestyle, organizing some events, actions or laws.


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