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How frequently teenagers in Zetland use social media (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays, the use of social networks has become an integral part of the lives of all teenagers. My project is aimed at establishing what countries young people from Zetland would like to visit. I have found some data which is presented in the form of a chart pie that I am going to comment on.

According to the diagram, approximately more than half of all the teenagers in Zetland, that is 54% use social networks to get entertained. Surprisingly, 18% of the surveyed adolescents do not use social networks. Which makes this response the second most popular. The next statistic is that only 8% of respondents use the public network once a week.

Chart pie show that the number of teenagers using social networks once a day is equal to those who use them once a week.

Although these answers are not the most common, in my opinion they are not bad. It seems to me that the rare use of social networks can improve the quality of life.

The information shows that majority of teenagers use social networks every day, which can be a big problem. Many cannot live without internet access. Constant use of social networks can lead to a decrease in concentration. Short attention span makes it difficult to cope with all the information that needs to be studied. This is due to the fact that there is so much to read and so little time for it. Taking breaks while using social media can help in increasing concentration. It is necessary to find another occupation instead of staying online all the time.

In conclusion, I want to say that I strictly believe that currently the use of social networks is necessary. However, in limited quantities. They can help solve various problems of teenagers.

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