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Ways of Spending Holidays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Hey George. How's it going? I've found a couple of pictures that might work well for our project "Ways of Spending Holidays", and I'd like to discuss them with you.

Well, I think the first photo works for our project because it depicts one of the most famous places of interest -


en. In contrast, the second photo works because it shows a woman resting in the forest and her tent nearby. So, together, the pictures illustrate the differences between ways of spending holidays.

In the first photo, we can see red tourist buses driving along the road, whereas, in the second photo, there is none of them. Furthermore, in the first photo, there is only one lonely tree in the background, whereas, in the second photo, there are many pines since this is an image of a forest.

Well, I can see some advantages and disadvantages of the two ways of spending holidays.

What I see as an advantage of camping is that no one bothers you in the forest, and you can spend some time alone. The disadvantage is you have to cook food yourself. What's good about sightseeing, you can go to a restaurant and eat whatever you want and whenever you want.

Honestly, I would prefer to spend my holidays in a city because it's more convenient for me. In a city, I don't need to worry about where I am going to sleep, what I am going to eat.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to discuss with you. Talk to you later, bye!


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