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Nature needs to be looked after.Restaurant as an option (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world, the environment has become one of the biggest problems. Some people think that we are the only ones who are responsible for the damage, while others disagree.

In my opinion, people do harm the environment. First of all, we pollute all spheres of life- water, air and soil by dumping plastic, unburnable things without recycling them. Garbage is everywhere, even in space and ocean, and mostly - ours. Secondly, we consume more than we return, causing deforestation and disappearance of species because of illegal hunting on them and overfishing. We do not even try to grow new forests instead of destroyed, at least not by principle : cut down one tree - plant ten.

However, there is another point of view.

Some people claim that global warming and vanishing of the rare animals are actually quite natural processes that happened on the Earth since the time dinosaurs lived at least twice, even before we appeared.

Nevertheless, I can not agree with such an opinion. I am sure that there are scientifically proven facts on how we influence the climate, for example, by creating the greenhouse effect because of CO2 being produced by burning coal or wood, which, in turn, destroy the fragile ozone layer that protects us.

In conclusion I would like to say that we are all responsible for our planet's health and we should not ignore it for future generations to live on it happily.

16. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Nowadays, the food cooking industry has grown a lot. Often a lot of new restaurants are built in the residential area, which makes it convenient for people to have lunch or celebrate birthdays there. However, there are different opinions on whether it is essential to build the restaurants near our houses. Some people claim that it is a bad idea, while others disagree. I agree with the latter. In my opinion, nothing can be better than a restaurant in the neighborhood. These delicious smells ! I am going to provide several reasons for my point of view, explaining why I agree with such an idea.

First of all, a restaurant behind can make choosing a place where to go to enjoy your free time easier.

esides, a lot of celebrations need a restaurant, because it is comfortable for them to be held there. As an example I can remember that there was once a restaurant near the house where I lived. We celebrated several events there, like my elder brother’s wedding and my grandfather's birthday. Unfortunately, it was closed afterwards.

Secondly, an excellent and giant restaurant can decrease unemployment in the area where it appears. A lot of people may find a job that they dreamed about there.

esides, it is a good entertainment place for kids. For example, if there is some playroom in the restaurant, you can just send your kid there so it will not disturb you while you are meeting with someone important. In addition, If such a restaurant has a kids menu, you will not have to worry what to choose for your child.

Thirdly, there are different types of restaurants and if people are tired of their usual cuisine they can try something new there. As far as I can remember, it is possible to try Italian, Asian and other foreign food not only at home, but in the special restaurant also.

esides, if it is not possible for you to go abroad, visiting a restaurant will sound like an exciting journey. It is very important nowadays, when we all have to sit at home most of the time.

In conclusion I would like to say that building a restaurant in the neighborhood seems for me like a good idea. I will probably agree with such a decision for the several reasons that I have described in my essay.


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