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Some modern artists receive huge sums of money for the things they create, while others struggle to survive. Governments should take steps to resolve this unfair situation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is often argued by the wide public that one of the government’s duties is to eliminate social and economic inefficiencies that arise in society. Then, the situation when some artists flourish, while others do not make ends meet, is not acceptable. Although I consider that the state is an important third party capable of mitigating terms of inequality between classes, I am completely sure it is not the case for artists.

Primarily, throughout history artists never had official employment, and their living, luxurious or beggarly, depended on whether the artist created unique, quality works or at least ready to take any job available.

For example, French impressionist, Auguste Renoir, was born into a poor family, but as an artist, he did not disdain to paint plates, create theatrical scenery, decorate curtains, and earned serious capital at the age of 17. This allowed him to master painting skills and deserve name and fame even before 30.

Secondly, the benefits or allowances that governments could give to low-income artists will not provide them with the desired standard of living.

Besides, no one guarantees that they will succeed and reimburse costs to the state, at least in the form of taxes. Thus, this will mean the irretrievable loss of resources that could be directed to the socially unprotected strata of society or finance systemic sectors of the economy and bring a tangible effect.

Finally, it is simply unfair to organize exhibitions on citizens' taxes to draw attention to the works of a particular artist to provide him with his piece of bread. If one of his/her goals from doing the painting is to earn money, they need to be able to sell themselves, be extraordinary people attracting the attention of potential sponsors and art connoisseurs.

To conclude, though I agree that the state possesses all the tools to address social inequality, in the case of artists it will not have the desired effect due to the nature of the profession. Therefore, I consider each person wanting to become an artist should be aware whether his/her talent, soft skills will help them pave the way to success, otherwise, it will be better to abandon this endeavor.


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