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A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer. Эссе по английскому (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that gadgets help the student in their studies while others say that computers only distract the children.

In my opinion, effective study is due to computers. Firstly, computer can potentially help children gain a lot of needed information. Secondly, computers have several useful programs, which come to teens’ assistance. Thirdly, children can find right answer to their questions in the Internet.

On the other hand, my opponents say that the computers is the worst thing in children’ room.

They suggest that computers hinder to successful study because pupil often wastes their time playing computer games, chatting in social network, watching useless series. Moreover, there are ready homework in the Internet that does not make them working with their heads/

I partly agree with the opposing opinion as computers allure children who ever forget about their relatives, friends, and household duties. However, we cannot completely abandon gadgets as in our technological world we cannot do without them. They make our life and studies easier and more comfortable.

To sum up, I would say that pupil should thoughtfully use a computer and their parents should control the time of gadgets’ use.


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