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Some families have an only child; others choose to have two, three or even more children. What is your opinion? Is it good to be an only child in the family? Эссе по английскому (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people say that they prefer to have only one child while others think that it is better to have a large family.

In my opinion, it is preferable to have a large family as your children can help you about house and they could inspire you in all your emotional conditions. I have one little sister Nastya. She makes my life happier because she is very friendly and merry. My parents and I take her to different clubs.

She likes dancing and painting pictures. I’d like to have more brothers and sisters because we can learn to be friendlier and more caring and loving.

On the other hand, my opponents say that having only one child saves money and time which we can use for different kinds of entertainment for adults such as travelling abroad and throwing parties. Moreover, we can give more care and love to our child. He/she can get more prestigious education and job.

I partly agree with my opponent’s opinion as an only child can become a genius scientist or talented musician. However, this way of upbringing makes children selfish and demanding. I’d like to bring up three children who would help me in my old age.

To sum up, I would say that I prefer a large family because all people and relatives respect large families and their parents. We would live in St. Petersburg to give my children good education and visit cultural places.


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