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Video games develop your brain, do not they? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of the influence of computer games on our brain cause a great discussion in society. While some people believe that playing games has more advantages, others tend to think otherwise.

As for me, I believe that they can really help to develop your brain. To begin with, they promote all your concentration of attention. For example, playing without attention to the details in any game brings the defeat or losing. Moreover, computer games develop your imagination because a lot of them are made in bright colours with different storylines.

However, there is another point of you. At first playing video games are bad for people’s eyesight. What is more, they don’t develop our brain, but on the contrary, give too much useless information, especially in war games, where people instead of reading a book, learn different types of weapons and gun that they don’t need in an ordinary life.

I would not agree with the above mentioned opinion because nowadays scientists determined the time that people can spend on playing computer without any harm to our health.

That is why people should use computers only for a certain amount of time.

Besides, we can choose a type of video game by ourselves, that is why our brain will not be full of useless information, if we play word games, puzzles and games that develop.

In conclusion, I would like to say that sometimes video games are useful for people because they contribute the development of their brain.

Аргументы за:

Компьютерные игры способствуют всей вашей концентрации внимания

Компьютерные игры развивают ваше воображение, потому что многие из них выполнены в ярких тонах с разными сюжетными линиями

Аргументы против:

Игра в видеоигры вредна для зрения людей

Компьютерные игры не развивают наш мозг; они дают слишком много бесполезной информации


Ученые определили время, которое люди могут потратить на игру за компьютером без какого-либо вреда для своего здоровья

Мы можем сами выбрать тип видеоигры, поэтому ваш мозг не будет переполнен бесполезной информацией/


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