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Professional sport is unhealthy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Over the past few years there has been a heated debate whether professional sport is good for your health or not. While some people are of the opinion that professional sport makes you stronger and healthier, others hold the opposing opinion. I am going to look upon this issue in more detail.

In my opinion, professional sport is harmful for your health. Firstly, professional sportsmen suffer of the heavy load on their body. Everyday workouts do not make them healthier.

ather the opposite, these hours spent at the gym give professional sportsmen unnecessary load, which leads to various health problems. Secondly, professional sport is also harmful for your mental health. It is because of the eternal competition. Professional sportsmen are always stressed because they feel the need to win.

However, some people disagree.

They believe that only professional sport helps people to keep the body in a good shape and does not let the muscles to lose tone.

Nevertheless, I do not share the opposing opinion. I believe that professional sport does more harm than good. If someone wants to get fit, they can do sport at their leisure time. Thus, sport will not destroy their health. Actually, the opposite, it will help their health to become better.

To sum up, I would like to say that people should pay more attention to how much time they spend doing sport. If people do sport in moderation it will not do any harm.


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