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Only rich people are successful (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is opinion that only rich people are successful.

I do not agree with this opinion. Firstly, I believe, a person who has achieved his goals is successful. For example, a man trained a lot in cooking meals, studying serving and, as a result, won a cooking contest. . In my opinion, he is successful; he has achieved his goal, although both the work of the cook and the award for the competition do not make him rich. Secondly, I also consider people who have received public recognition to be successful people. For example, some author of a well-known series of children's books or a doctor who is admired by the citizens of a small town because he saved a huge number of people. They both earn little, but they are successful.

Nevertheless, there are people who think that wealth is an indicator of success.

For example, a person who has newfangled gadgets, cars and so forth is successful.

I will agree with this point of view if a person could achieve it himself.

But if wealth is given to a person illegally or inherited from his parents, he is unlikely to be successful. For simple, a young man is provided by rich parents. The man does not study, does not work, does not strive to achieve his goals, he spends his life in entertainment. He is not successful, even though he is rich.

In conclusion, successful people can be not only rich people also those who, for example, have received public recognition or have achieved their goals. And not all rich people are successful.


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