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Virtual Int communication results in losing real-life social skills (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, Virtual communication is a significant part of our life. Some people think that Virtual Internet communication has a negative impact on real-life social skills. Other people believe that Virtual interaction can help a person to develop his or her ability to communicate in real life.

In my opinion, Internet communication negatively affects real communication skills. Firstly, communicating via the Internet, people lack basic conversational skills. Secondly, when we spend much time in the cyberspace we become tongue-tied, our speech get more simpler. We cannot communicate out thoughts properly. Thirdly, chating on the Internet for a long time, we get more closed and this leads to the impossibility of interacting with each other.

However, a lot of people think that Virtual communication helps to develop themselves social skills.

People, surffering from shyness and have a fear to make friends in real life, can practice to do it on the Internet, so they become more confident in their life. Also a lot of people think that the virtual world is as rich in social interaction as the real one. In their opinion, the virtual world is a copy of reality, so they believe that communication skills are not lost.

I cannot agree with that opinion, because during Virtual interaction we cannot always see people's emotions and how they express them, so we cannot respond. The cyber space has its own rules of communication, which are not similar to real social skills. They are put aside and eventually completely lost.

To sum up, I want to restate that Virtual Internet communication harm our social skills, because we forget how to connect with people outside the cyberspace.


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