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1. Making friends from different countries is easier nowadays 2. Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship is an important part of our lives. Some people think that in our time it is not difficult to find a friend who lives abroad while other people suppose that it is hard to make friends with foreigners.

In my opinion, it is easier to make friends from other countries in the present time. Firstly, there are a lot of websites which allow you to communicate with people from all over the world with the help of different gadgets, and anybody who knows foreign languages can find somebody to talk with.

Secondly, nowadays many people change the place of living and move on to other countries. For that reason, it is not difficult to meet a foreigner and make friends with them.

However, there are people who disagree with me. They claim that it is hard to find some friends from abroad because people from other countries are too different and they have traditions which differ from ours, and because of that it can be difficult to get on well with them.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above-mentioned opinion. Nowadays people know more about the traditions of other countries and it is not difficult for them to understand foreigners. Moreover, it is possible to learn a lot of new things from foreign people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is not very difficult to make friends with people from other countries. There are many ways to do that in the modern world, and such friendship can be very interesting.

Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers

Nowadays social networks are an important part of our lives. Some people think that communication with the help of social media is significant for modern young adults while other people suppose that it is not so important.

In my opinion, social media interaction is an important part of modern teenager’s lives. Firstly, different networks allow them to communicate with people from all over the world or with their friends and relatives who are far away from them. Secondly, the youth can find different books and films with the help of social networks. Moreover, social media can help teenagers with their studies because there are a lot of educational programs on the Internet.

In my opinion, social media interaction is an important part of modern teenager’s lives. Firstly, interacting with each other on social networks allows teenagers to develop their communication skills with people from all over the world which is important nowadays. Secondly, teenagers can learn new languages while communicating with people from other countries in social networks, and that is significant in the modern world.

However, there are people who disagree with me. They claim that social networks are just a waste of time because they only entertain people. For that reason, it is better for teenagers to communicate with each other in real life.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above-mentioned opinion. I strongly believe that social media is not only another source of entertainment for teenagers. Social media can be very helpful for young adults because there are a lot of opportunities for learning new information and spending time productively.

In conclusion, I would like to say that social media interaction is important for modern teenagers. Social networks give them a lot of opportunities for entertainment and education.


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