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Filmgoers through the rely on reviews when choosing a film to see (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of taking film reviews on trust causes a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that filmgoers should trust feedback on the film before they see it while others are convinced that it is unnecessary to read the comments and trust them.

In my opinion, it is a good decision for filmgoers that are selecting a film to get acquainted with reviews. Firstly, reviews are written by people who have already seen a certain film. Therefore, filmgoers can learn more details about the film and they can know people's real opinion about the movie. Secondly, films trailers do not consist all the information about the movie. Moreover, trailers include only the best moments of the film which is made to attract people's attention, so people should not rely on only trailers.

It would be better if they have a look at the film's review.

However, there are people who have the opposite opinion. They believe that a person that is selecting a film should not rely on feedback because a lot of people who have already seen a certain movie have different opinions and judgments. Therefore, filmgoers do not know which of these comments are right and truthful and which are fake.

Despite my respect for the opinion mentioned above, I cannot share it. I think that in the contemporary world there are a lot of online sites where special editors published only good and truthful comments about the film.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are two different opinions on this problem. I am inclined to believe that people that are choosing a film to see should trust reviews.


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