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New information technologies cannot make one smarter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technical progress has greatly changed our world and many useful technologies have appeared. Some people believe that modern gadgets cannot make people more intelligent whereas others disagree. I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

Personally, I am sure that new information technologies can make a person smarter. Firstly, modern gadgets allow people to access to a huge amount of useful information. They can learn interesting topics and facts using websites, online libraries, online courses and video lessons. Thanks to this they develop themselves and become smarter and smarter. Secondly, modern technologies help to communicate with people from all over the world and share useful information. People can exchange cultural and life experiences, give advice and study together using gadgets.

This can really help to become an intelligent and broaden-minded person.

However, some people suppose that new information technologies cannot make a person smarter. They consider that using modern gadgets, people degrade, do not learn new information and waste their time on useless things, for example, playing computer games or updating social medias.

In spite of these facts, I disagree with this opinion. New information technologies allow people to combine learning and resting. If a person manages their time correctly, they can use technologies for developing themselves, becoming smarter and also doing some fun and relaxing activities.

To sum up, I strongly believe that new information technologies can make a person smarter and help them to self-study and become better.


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