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«Do not feed the monkeys» game review (Отзывы о играх)

Staring at the starving monkeys.

I always think highly of Fictirama Studios’ games, ‘Do not feed the monkeys’ is not an exception. This game was released in October last year and it is still popular in our time.

Comparing it to the games of the same genre ‘Do not feed the monkeys’ creates the atmosphere of a poor freelancer’s life. In the beginning, you are given a small flat with a fridge, a bed and a computer, you have to work hard to earn for a living and fulfill your necessities in food and rest. Moreover, you have to look after the ‘monkeys’ using the computer. At first, you have only four ‘cages’, which actually are just rooms and places with hidden cameras that are connected to your computer, but you can buy more if you want to increase your level. You can interact with ‘monkeys’, talk to them, but you are not allowed to ‘feed’ them.

Those 'monkeys' are people and creatures of different nature. Each and every one of them has its own story, that you can get to know, and a lot of problems, that you have to solve. You may find different solvations by comparing different 'cages' and making their 'monkeys' interact with each other, which gives you an opportunity to see different endings depend on your decisions and reactions to events happening in cages every single minute. The game ends when you get all the information about 25 cages, when you are starving, or when you can not pay bills for your flat.

The graphics of the game look old and poor, but in my opinion, this ‘bad quality’ shows the retro style of the game. The sounds and the music match the plot and event of ‘Do not feed the monkeys’.

ut the main disadvantage of this game is that it is too expensive, or may seem so to this genre fans.

Despite the poor graphics and high price of this game, it is worth playing more than once, in order to see all the monkeys’ secrets. ‘Do not feed the monkeys’ made a lasting impression on me and got glowing reviews from critics. In my opinion, this game is amazing and would inspire every its player.


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