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Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is widely believed that children should chooseprofessions of their parents and not to destroy family tradition. ...

(начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение)

did. Firstly, parents could help students with homework, different projects. Secondly, parents could help their children to make asuccessful career in companies where they work.However, I cannot agree with them. Programms ofeducation are changing over the years, so parents would not be able knoweverything that their children will learn. By the time when young people willgraduate from university parents could lost their jobs somehow, so they wouldnot be able to help their children in company where they had been working forso long.To sum up, I wouldargue that young people should keen on their parents’ decision in suchquestions. I believe that they should follow their own thoughts and make dreamscome true.


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