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Bookstores selling paper books will be soon the sign of the past (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is populary believed that in nowadays came on line reading and maybe in future bookstores selling paper books will become rare. ...

(начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение)

There I can walking around counters. Most important that I could touch all novels and discover books with good covers for my home library. And so many people also can do it as me. Some people believe that classic books are unusful. They think that electronics books are more practical and comfortable in use. Another argument for on line stores and on line reading can improve your knowledge. They also belive that they will disapper. I disagree to this point of view because paper books have more positive and happy emotions and can influence on your character for the better.

In conclusion i want to say. There are different oppinions about this problem. Some people agree with this satement but others-not. I think humanity will always like written books because it is classic.


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