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Modern technology owes ecology an apology (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The 21st century is a time of new inventions and science. Nowadays there are lots of technological inventions that spoil environment. These technologies play a very important role in the lives of human beings. So, the problem of ecology is very important today because it is not possible to stop technological process, close factories and plants that do harm to nature.

There are lots of different modern technologies that pollute the air, water and soil. For example, different means of transport, factories and plants pour harmful gases and smoke into the air. That does harm our health and causes lung diseases among people because we are forced to breathe dirty air. Moreover, factories and plants with their new technologies also pollute water and make it dirty.

As a result, animals die when they drink this water and people get sick when they swim in it. Modern inventions for growing vegetables and fruits, as well as new fertilizers, pollute the soil. It stops plants from growing and makes people sick when they eat plants grown on polluted soil. In my opinion, the main cause of ecological problems is the technological process. That's why if we couldn't stop it, we should invent new modern technologies which will not spoil the environment. It can be different filters for factories that make water and air clean or new modern means of transport that run on electricity. Moreover, we can also plant trees and bushes, use our cars not so often and ride a bike to help the nature. And last but not least, people began to communicate with their relatives and friends using different modern gadgets. Due to this fact they almost don't walk with their friends and not communicate in real life.

To sum up, technology causes a great damage to nature, environment and humanity. So, I completely agree with the statement and think that modern technology in debt to the ecology.

ut people also mustn't ignore these problems and try to make everything possible to reduce if not stop the ecological problems connected with technologies.


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