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Эссе It’s always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays it is quite difficult to get a well-paid and decent job. Can the clothes help to do it? Some people are convinced that it is a perfect idea to wear a business suit at an interview, while the others affirm that such attire is not a lucky choice for this event.

In my opinion, wearing a business suit give some advantages and increases chances to get the job. Firstly, such clothes can show people's discipline and readiness to be serious and hard-working at work. Besides, if a person wears a business suit, it means he respects himself and therefore an employer will esteem him too.

However, some people believe that employees should not be dressed in a business suit, because it conceals a person's personality and does not display his individuality.

Moreover, during an interview people want to feel comfortable, whereas a suit can fetter their movements and make them nervous.

I disagree with this opinion, because only a person, who dressed in a business suit is able to make a pleasant impression and be liked by an employer. Furthermore, such clothes make every man look solid and respectable.

In summary, even though some people may disagree with me, I believe that business suit is the best choice for an interview, because then a person has more chances to get the job, that he wants.


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