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Should parents raise children in a strict way? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A lot of people think that being strict with little children is too cruel. But there are other people who are sure that banning some child activities is really important. So who is right?

You would probably agree with me that raising children is hard and sometimes parents do mistakes and one of them is being strict with child. First of all, strict parents do not allow their child to act free and show his or her real personality. That is why children with such parents cannot express themselves as they want. What is more, parents who want to raise perfect child can be too strict and ask for too much and because of that kid is not able to enjoy his or her the finest time of life.

However, strict parenting has its advantages too.

Of course parents can be sure that their son or daughter will not be rude and bad when they grow up. But there are some examples when children did not like that kind of attitude so in the future they acted cold to their parents.

I believe that giving to child some freedom is more beneficial than disallow all activities that have some bad sides.

As I said being too strict with little children is unacceptable. Parents should understand that children are people too but just a bit younger. There is no doubt that they should be raised with some rules, but still, parents do not have to restrict child cruelly.


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