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Young people pay too much attention to fashion + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

No doubt, that nowadays fashion is very important for everyone, especially for young people. Some people are sure, that youngsters pay too much attention to fashion, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, when young people wear fashion clothes, it is a good chance to look good and attract the attention of peers. Secondly, if you want to be up-to-date and successful in your career, you should certainly make a nice impression for your future employer. For example, if you apply for a good job in a big company, you should certainly look stylish and properly. Finally, fashionable clothing makes youngsters more self-confident in the society.

However, there are people, especially parents, consider fashion clothes to be rather expensive and are sure that there are more important things in their children’s’ eyes.

Moreover, such people are sure, that it is unreasonable to judge people by their clothes.

I disagree with this opinion, because fashion clothes can be affordable for different family budget, because a lot of malls and online shops are full of cheap and fashionable garments of latest trends. Finally, everybody knows that the appearance, I mean “look”, determines the first impression of a person.

To sum up, there is no doubt that everybody has the right to wear what he wants. In my opinion, fashion gives us an opportunity to express yourself and be an up to date person.



September 17

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again. You’ll definitely learn how to swim, good luck.

You asked me about learning to swim. Well, I should advice you to take swimming lessons with a professional coach. I am sure, it will help you to learn how to float. Secondly, you should set yourself up to be calm and relax while swimming, you should not be afraid of water. As I’ve already said, It is not a difficult task to learn swimming, so, I hope, you will be a great swimmer by the time you go to “Waterland”.

So, What is your favourite sport? Is it a winter or a summer kind of sport? Do you need any special equipment for this sport?

Sorry, I have to go now. Take care,

Your Julia


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