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Visiting museums is still important nowadays // Subcultures (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Museums have been a part of our culture for many years but some people think that they are not as essential and popular nowadays as they used to be. However, others strongly disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, museums still play an important role in our cultural life. Firstly, such facilities provide a great opportunity to learn something new. People can see different subjects such as paintings, sculptures, clothes from the past and understand more about lifestyles of their predecessors. Secondly, millions of people often go to museums for entertainment because it is a great way to spend your free time alone or with friends and relatives. Finally, museums serve as a storage for the majority of historical heritage of human beings.

On the contrary, there are some people who believe that museums are boring and have become unnecessary in our modern world.

These people think that they can use their phones and computers for educational purposes instead of going to the museum.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because those who go to museums get an amazing experience and a felling of being a part of world history as they can see different masterpieces live. Moreover, more and more interactive features are being incorporated in museums to make exhibitions even more interesting.

In conclusion, I think that museums are still important because they serve as a source for enlightenment and entertainment for people.

Subculture is a form of social group which unites people with similar interests. Many people think subcultures are good while others strongly disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, subcultures are great and have many benefits. Firstly, people can find friends in these groups because they know that other members share the same interests and have much in common. It is a great way to meet a true friend. Secondly, members of subcultures can openly express their feelings, emotions and opinions without a fear of not being understood. They become more confident and communicative.

On the other side, some people do not like subcultures because they think that members of these groups are strange and too different from the rest of the world.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because these groups give a chance to be happy for people who do not fit in standards of society. Many people feel lonely because they do not want to lead an ordinary lifestyle but subcultures can help them find like-minded people.

In conclusion, I think that subcultures are not bad and actually can help some people to overcome their problems.


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