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Tourism in Russia has a great potential // The skill of hand writing will be unnecessary soon (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in a modern world where more and more people start traveling to different countries each year. Some people say that Russia is one of the greatest places for tourists and has a chance of becoming a very popular traveling destination while others disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, Russia is a country with a potential of being a popular tourist place. Firstly, Russia has a unique culture that fascinates foreigners. Tourists are attracted to Russian lifestyle, traditions and cuisine because they think it is exotic and interesting. Secondly, Russia is the biggest country on our planet and has unbelievable nature. There are thousands of natural places of interest here from mountains and rivers to forests and glaciers that will amaze everybody.

On the contrary, some people do not believe that Russia will become a popular tourist destination.

They say that it is difficult and very expensive to travel here from other parts of the world especially if you want to visit small towns and remote areas. Moreover, it is believed that Russians are inhospitable and even angry people.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because flights to Moscow are actually inexpensive and you can always choose to travel around the country by train. In addition, it is an old myth that

ussians are severe and unwelcoming. Most of people here are kind and polite.

In conclusion, I think that Russia has every chance of becoming a common tourist destination because this country has an interesting geography and history.

We live in a modern world and use different technologies everyday. Some people say that hand writing will becoome less important soon while others strongly disagree.

In my opinion, hand writing is not as useful as it used to be and will become even less common soon. Firstly, people do not need to write on a real paper anymore because they can use their computers and phones to do it quicker and be able to send it to other person right away. Secondly, almost everyone prefers typed texts and messages over handwritten ones nowadays because they are easier to understand. Finally, hand writing can be very tiring for a person if he writes for a long period of time.

On the other side, some people believe that hand writing will always be popular and necessary. They say that hand writing is important because it shows someone’s personality through the style of writing as well as his level of intelligence. It is also more pleasant to get handwritten letters because it shows your devotion of time to someone.

As for me, I do not agree with the opossing opinion because few people actually care about someone’s style of writing. Digital literacy can also show level of intelligence so it does not matter if we write on paper or computer. Moreover, it is more important what people write and not how they do it.

In conclusion, I think that hand writing has practicaly no real usage nowadays. The popularity of this way of writing will continue to decrease in the future.


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