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40. Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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There is no doubt that science is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Some people consider science to be the first thing to be funded nowadays, while others state the opposite.

In my opinion, science is the most important thing to be financed today. Firstly, science can help solve so many problems our world has. For instance, there are a lot of cures for diseases that were developed by scientists.

Secondly, science is the best pathway to knowledge mankind has ever devised. Without that knowledge we run the risk of degrading as a society.

However, not all people share my point of view, they say that there are more urgent problems that needed to be invested in, like poverty or ecology.

I am afraid i cannot agree with these people here as i think that problems with poverty and ecology can be solved by scientists.

Taking all this into consideration, i would like to say that science is the first thing to be financed because it solves so many problems and gives us the knowledge.

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К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

В сочинении насчитывается 179 слов, тогда как проверке подлежат сочинения, в которых содержится минимум 180 слов. Следовательно, эссе получает ноль баллов.

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