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It’s more enjoyable to live in a big family 55 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is generally suggested that being a member of an extended family is rather pleasurable and amusing. However, a significant number of infants and adolescence support the opposite point of view.

To my mind it is far more beneficial to belong to a big family since everyone is eager to take care of each other, developing sense of responsibility. Moreover, if mother or father is to leave for a business trip, grandparents or even a grownup sister or brother can babysit for a certain time period. Furthermore, as a rule a big family tends to joke and laugh more, than the smaller one.

Nevertheless, a big number of infants and youth claim that living in a large family is a torture since the noisy atmosphere prevents from comfortable studying. In addition, brothers and sisters have to share rooms, which means no personal space.

Personally, I disagree with youth opinion as elder siblings possess a wider experience in school program, as a result helping little ones.

More than that, siblings may share ones’ clothes, which is conscious expenditure of a family budget.

To sum up, i am convinced that a large family means funny atmosphere, loving relatives and support from each other, even though there might appear misunderstandings in sharing one’s own space and bustling area.

Words: 215


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