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The Internet is not as good as it seems to be 257 words (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the problem of pros and cons of the Internet has become a matter of heated debates, some people suppose that World Wide Web has many negative sides in spite of the common opinion it has not. Still, others are convinced that the Internet is really significant and useful source in many aspects in the modern world.

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, the Internet is one of the most valuable tools of people’s daily life, which are almost impossible to live without. First and foremost, worldwide network provides people with multiple opportunities of getting new knowledge and cultural exchange. What is more, the Internet is thought to be the greatest library, which allows people from all over the world to read both the originals of ancient manuscripts and books that are difficult to buy in the local stores.

However, opponents of this point of view consider that the Internet has a malign influence on people’s lives.

According to this perspective, being created, social networks and other media applications completely absorbed modern community and led to destruction of social ties.

Nevertheless, these argument does not sound reasonable enough due to the following assumption. Generally, the Internet contributes to establishment of new rapports by means of videocalls and instant messages.

In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I strongly believe that the Internet is useful if people use the Web wisely and do not abuse it. Personally, I disconnect for a while and let my mind rest from an enormous flow of information income.


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