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Collecting things is a waste of time and money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays most people think that it is unreasonable to collect different things, while others say that it is necessary to be fond of something other than work.

As for me, I believe that people should collect different things like books, coins, stamps, CDs and others. Firstly, if one is interested in hobby, he can blend the useful activity with the agreeable one collecting something during the rest. For example, a student, who collects the herbarium on his summer holidays, has more productive vacation than a student who associates his summer only with watching TV and eating chips. Secondly, it is possible to choose a hobby that does not require spending money. There are hobbies that are free like collecting the herbarium, stones and shells, birthday cards. Then people can use it for creative crafts.

However, there exists another point of view. Some people believe that it is not necessary to collect things because collections litter houses.

Instead of that a person can do hobbies that do not require spending a lot of money and collecting such as reading books or listening to music.

I disagree with this point. In my opinion, a person who has a collection has more advantages. The collection is a forever thing. He can find it in 20 years, and the collection will allow to show it for person’s children and to remember youth. By the way, such a dear memory can be free if one collected herbarium, for example.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are lots of different hobbies nowadays so everyone can find one regardless of the amount of money and time.


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