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All teenagers should help with household chores exapmle (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays teenager’s help around the house is a subject of great argument. Some people believe that teens should do some of the work while others think that it is not their duty. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

I think that teenagers should help with household chores. Firstly, they should be concerned about cleanliness of their house, because this is the place they live in and it cannot be messy. Secondly, adults are getting tired during the day, and they need some help, if only in housekeeping.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. Some people think that teenagers should not do household chores, because if they usually do this, they have no time for friends. Moreover, they consider that it is only adults’ duty to keep the house clean, but not the childrens’.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion. Teenagers can do only a part of household chores, so they will help their parents and will have time to spend it with friends at the same time. And it’s not only adults’ duty to do things around the house, because family is a cohesive unit, and its members should help each other.

In conclusion, I would like to say that teenagers should help other family members to do things around the house. They will facilitate their parents’ task of keeping house clean doing that, and will make their own home more comfortable and cozy.


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