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Suicide problem among teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about horrible rate of suicide among the teenagers. Most parents try to find out what drive so many youngsters to commit a suicide.

Personally I think, that a lot of people underestimate the risk of this serious problem. To begin with, parents should control their child’s behaviour and notice frequent mood swings. Moreover, teenagers due to their age often face such life problems as moving, changing schools and divorcing their parents. Such afflictions can cause a teenager to become depressed, which is also a common problem in the modern world. In such situations, parents should try to pull their child out of the depth of despair or just seek help from a specialist. People should not remain indifferent to this problem, parents should take part in their child’s growing up, they should discuss teenager’s problems and find solutions together.

And most importantly, parents should show interest in their children’s life.

On the other hand, there are people, who look at this serious problem through their fingers. They think that this problem is not their business. I completely disagree with this statement. Children often find themselves in difficult situations and need advice from older and more experienced people.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that parents should do everything possible to avoid the disaster and carefully control their child’s behaviour.


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