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Street festivals make cities more attractive (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The item of the necessity of street festivals is very debatable nowadays. There are two different points of view. Some people believe that street festivals are necessary because they make a city’s life more interesting. Other people promote an opposing opinion.

In my opinion, street festivals make cities more attractive because they have a lot of advantages. Firstly, street festivals attract tourists. During this festival you can learn something new about the culture of cities and counties. Secondly, a lot of free entertainments are promote during street festivals. For example, you can taste free street food or go to a free concert.

However, there are people, who advocate an opposing opinion.

They believe that street festivals are not attractive because they are very dangerous. For example, riots can be during this festival because a large crowd is always at festivals.

As for me, I disagree with this point of view. I know that organizers provide for the safety of the visitors of street festivals. Besides, a lot of active entertainments are provided and people spend energy and they have not enough forces for riots. I am confident that street festivals create positive atmosphere and people are not tuned to riots.

In conclusion, I would like to say that different opinions about this item can exist. However, I strongly believe that street festivals make cities more attractive.


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