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Students should study only the subjects they choose (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of disputes about school lessons. The attitude to them is different. There are two opposite points of view. Some people believe that the pupils in high school should have an opportunity to learn the subjects they prefer, but others do not agree with this statement.

In my opinion, it is better for high school teenagers to learn only the subjects they are keen on. Firstly, it helps to gain deep knowledge in specific subjects in order to have special skills in future career. If a student do not have to learn other subjects, he or she will better know their selected items. Secondly, it saves time and motivates students to study harder and better. A high school teenager can spend time only on the subjects he or she is crazy about.

However, some people are convinced that it is a bad idea for pupils in high school to learn not all items.

They consider that learning all school subjects can help the level of education to rise. Student will have more opportunities to be employed.

Personally, I disagree with this argument. I am still sure that specific knowledge are the first thing required at the job. If a person is not an expert in certain area, he or she will face difficulties in finding a work.

In conclusion, I must say that high school students should study only the subjects they choose. It helps to gain deeper knowledge and make a successful career.


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